Sunday 24 September 2017

My calendar says it is Fall but I am not feeling it….yet.
This week in Language we will begin our Samaritans on the Digital Road unit.  The goal of this unit to help develop Digital Citizenship skills. The unit is built upon the shoulders of Jesus' parable about The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37).  Grade 5 students will focus on the verse ““He wanted to justify himself” (Luke 10: 25-37) and  relate the verse to being an online citizen.  There are five lessons in the unit.
Over the next few weeks in Language we will also focus on writing a good clear paragraph for reading responses.  Please remind your child when they do their Book Log that they need to complete a paragraph at the end of the week.  The paragraph must include good writing conventions i.e. punctuation, capitalization, spelling of common words etc.
In Math we are continuing to explore Place Value.  We will explore the difference between place and value in numbers up to 999 999.   We will also work on rounding numbers this week.
You may have noticed that the math sheet I sent home today does not say Homework but rather Math Review.  The past two years I have provided a Math review sheet instead of Homework and left if up to the student (and or parents) decide if they wish to complete it. The sheets are corrected on Friday usually, except on weeks when there is a math quiz.  On test weeks the math review is usually a sample quiz or pretest which we correct the day before the quiz.
I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday night.
Mrs T   

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